Levitt's new Comedy film: "Turkey Day"

"Revenge is a dish best served...on Thanksgiving"

Watch Turkey Day on Vimeo

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time of giving thanks. Yet for two couples it turns into more of a catered group therapy session. Family skeletons exposed... sexual peccadillo's broadcast... cooking ability maligned... Petty differences escalate from general antipathy to specific hostility.

Suddenly, a local thief and self confessed murder breaks into the couple's house intent on robbery and mayhem. Instead, he finds himself the only voice of calm and reason and tries to repair the wounds of this Thanksgiving-scarred family.

So draw up a chair and hold out your plate for a dish of well seasoned comic mayhem, stuffed with sarcasm, bitterness, and genuine hatred that will make you yearn for a quieter, relatively less dangerous meal with your own families.

Turkey Day Cast:

Anna -- Amy Beth Sherman

Susan-- Emily King Brown

Rick-- Mark Levitt

Peter-- Josh Laird

The Unshaven Man-- Ron Barba

Delores-- Hilary Schwartz

written and produced by Mark Levitt

Directed By Monica Gordon

Music provided by Curtis Williams & Raise Hell Over The Summer

The Release Date of this comic short video is---January 2012

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